You are maybe finally getting to understand the point of what I think the OP and I are both trying to convey.
It's not about imitating the actual actions of the wealthy, it's about understanding and adapting the thought process behind those actions. Don't let yourself think that you can't do that just because you don't have money. You are artificially limiting yourself with a belief that doesn't benefit you.
Wealth and wealth accumulation aren't magic. Sure, some of it is luck, just like everything else in life. But for most people, it is a lot of effort and it all starts with mentality and how you view money. Money is just a tool, like any other tool.
So just like anything, that you want to learn, learn it from the people who are already successful at it. You don't need to be wealthy to understand how people get and stay that way. Even the poorest person can understand how the wealthy approach money and their relationship with money. How a person adapts that knowledge to their circumstances as an individual is unique.
I think you might have the "if only" problem. As in "If only I had money, I wouldn't worry about money." That's not the way it works that way of thinking is why lottery winners are often bankrupt in a matter of just a few years. Wealthy people worry about money, a lot. Many of them worry obsessively about going broke.