Spouting "capitalism" as if it is a magic incantation that can solve every problem is a neo-liberal fantasy. Pure capitalism doesn't exist and if it did you would either be an uneducated buffoon or dead because there is no economic value in keeping most people alive or educating the ones that that are. "Capitalists" that make blanket arguments like this do more harm to capitalism then any socialist or communist ever could. You need to define your terms better and really understand the failings and successes of capitalism and what it is and is not. Free markets, investment and economic development are all only one small aspect of what is needed to lift people out of poverty and keep them out of poverty. Far more important are things such as rule of law, education, infrastructure and civil liberties. Capitalism cannot and will never be able to provide these elements to any society because they are elements of common good that underpin and support capitalism while simultaneously being antithetical to pure capitalist motivations.