See you have no idea what you are talking about. I think DEI is a good idea. So go on attack someone who agrees with you. Because again you are just making giant assumptions based on zero evidence.
Never did I once say I didn’t support DEI I think it’s fantastic and I work with a huge diverse group of people and have for decades and love it. In fact your assertion that I don’t is incredibly offensive. I’ve turned down six figure jobs because I didn’t think the company had enough diversity. Like this is insanely offensive. It shows a level of hypocrisy that you should be absolutely ashamed of. Like really you should ashamed. It is hypocritical for someone who supports DEI it shows an unwillingness to be open to other points of view. Which is the entire point of DEI. What’s insane is that without knowing anything about me you make an assumption that I don’t support DEI simply because I’m trying to address the fact that you don’t appear to understand statistics based on your own words.
See while DEI is a good idea, what I don’t think is a good idea is trying to support a good idea with junk science that can easily be refuted. Because when you do that you give ammunition to those that want to tear it down. When we are not honest about the fact that there is only a correlation and zero demonstrable causation we do disservice to those researchers who took the time to do the research. We are misrepresenting the results and that fundamentally is a lie and it is an easily discoverable one.
You will never convince someone that doesn’t support DEI that it is a good idea if you persist in half truths and deception. Please stop doing that. You don’t need to do that. Correlation is still a good thing but just present it as such do not confuse correlation with causation because it’s not and definitely don’t present it as such.
I assumed you didn’t understand because your response demonstrated a clear lack of understanding of the basics premise of causation versus correlation. I apologize if that’s not the case. I was simply going off your one sentence reply. The links are not just there for your benifit they are there for anyone who is confused about this. If you want to learn more without those links feel free to search for the difference on any search engine. You will find the same results everywhere. The information is out there if you choose to look it up.
Before I finish there are a few things you might want to reflect:
First, Just because someone points out a flaw in a an argument doesn’t mean that they don’t agree with the underlying principle. This is actually part of the scientific method it’s strengthens positions and theories by weeding out weak and unsubstantiated arguments.
Second, DEI isn’t just about ethnicity, gender, etc. it’s about diversity of ideas those ideas can come from anywhere that’s the entire root message of DEI. When we jump to conclusions about those we are communicating with we close ourselves off to understanding. That is exactly what we are trying to work against.
Think about the assumption you made and how closed minded it made you simply because I was pointing out and reminded everyone that correlation is not causation.