Please stop with this rhetorical hyperbole. The shear number of writers on this platform who ruin perfectly good articles with nonsense like this is starting to be overwhelming.
You want to know what is rape? Rape. That’s it period. Every time someone calls something else “rape” every victim of actual rape dies a little inside. Also what you are talking about isn’t coercion, abuse or assault. Stop trying to make everything you disagree with into the worst things imaginable. They do not compare. But more importantly they completely destroy your credibility as a writer. Please take the time to find better words. Off the top of my head ignorance and chauvinism come to mind but I’m sure there are even better words out there you just need to look for them. Your article might have been thought provoking to some of the people you are talking about but I can guarantee as soon as they reach this line they disregard you as yet another reactionary liberal simply out to provoke. They see this and know that they are not your audience you are simply speaking to your echo chamber. If that is what you want proceed as you are. Just know that writing like this doesn’t move the needle of progress in our society. Be a better writer than the people at FOX news, don’t limit your ideas to those that have already taken the red pill.