No I wasn’t referring to tech jobs. I am in tech. I was referring to do nothing jobs. Working less than 8 hours a day isn’t the same thing as doing nothing. I know lots of people that work less than 8 hours a day. But this is also a common misunderstanding, people with skill based jobs aren’t paid for their time, they are paid for their experience and expertise. And certain types of high mental skill jobs actually require a significant amount of downtime. What might look like someone playing golf or video games is really a form of meditation that allows solutions to complex problems to rise to the surface. A lot of these people are actually working all the time you just don’t see it because their job is 90% inside their head.
Besides no one should really seek fulfillment in a job. Even in the best of circumstances it’s just not a good idea to put that much of one’s life into one thing. Anyone that is seeking fulfillment through their job is the kind of person that just gets taken advantage of. Don’t live to work, work to live.