No I don’t because I didn’t read it. I gave up because the way it is written is not friendly to the reader so I have no idea what you were trying to say. Whatever it is, it obviously isn’t very important since even a minimum effort to format it correctly wasn’t put in.
If an article is just badly formatted a lot of people will just nope out of reading it all together because it shows a lack of care by the author. You have no way of knowing how many people did just that. Maybe I’m the only one, but maybe I’m not you’ll never know for sure. I’m just one person who was courteous enough to take the time to let you know that’s it’s an issue.
Make your writing easier for your audience to read by following standard formatting or don’t. Accept criticism of your writing and formatting or don’t. I don’t care it doesn’t reflect on me, you are the author. And I have no vested interest in if people actually read what you write or not.