I'm not saying anyone can be wealthy if he doesn't limit himself. That's not at all what I'm saying. Not everyone who wants to be wealthy will be regardless of desire.
What I am saying is that thinking that you can't
understand how wealthy people think just because you aren't wealthy is itself limiting. And people who think that way will never be wealthy. (Unless they stumble ass-backward into it.) It doesn't have to be wealth it can be anything. You don't have to be a thing to understand a thing. And the first step in any goal is understanding what it is you are trying to accomplish.
Maybe it's just you. So keep this in mind. Just because you cannot understand the thought processes of other people in vastly different circumstances it doesn't mean other people can't. I think maybe you just lack empathy, intuition, insight, and/or imagination. Most people can do this to some degree, many people can do it quite well, and for many, it comes as second nature. You are probably just on the other end of the spectrum. There is nothing wrong with that but you need to understand that not everyone is you. Other people have different skills and many people are quite good at understanding what other people think and feel.
Of course, I guess I don't really expect you to understand this because you lack the ability and ironically because you do not, you are fundamentally unable to understand that other people do. See I can understand where you are coming from I can put myself in your shoes. I can walk through the entire thought process of what it would be like if I thought the way you do. And yes from your point of view, yes it makes total sense. Naturally, you would think that no one has that ability because you don't.
I'm just trying to help you understand that this POV is not at all an accurate representation of the real world. But because you don't have any interest in learning anything differently than what you already firmly believe there isn't much else to say.
You've made it clear that you want to stay boxed into your way of thinking. You limited POV. You have that right. I'm not here to change your mind. It only affects you. Feel free to continue to limit yourself. You are the only one that can break yourself out of that way of thinking.