I wouldn’t be very concerned about this at this point. This is very much akin to when they say on an airplane to put your mask on first before helping others. Getting a continuing resolution to keep the government open does just that. Additional support for Ukraine will follow. There is broad support for Ukraine in congress in both parties it’s really only the fringe of the Republican Party (the usual suspects) that is causing problems. There is also broad support across the general population. As long as no Americans are dying that will generally continue especially as our the expansion of our arms industry begins to impact the economy. The calculus that the far right is making that the American people will be generally opposed to support a war is faulty because it’s based on historical wars in which the US was actually directly involved. This isn’t the case here and so while there will always be people opposed to a war those that will be doing so now will mostly be doing so in the hope to gain political capital. It’s debatable if that is even a good strategy or a terrible one. It’s a political strategy that just as likely to backfire. Besides a war like this isn’t going to be won or lost on one decision here or there even on something as important as US funding for Ukraine.