I reject your entire premise. First, the idea that the US and NATO is reluctant to give Ukraine needed resources may once have been true but now it more a question of ability rather than will. And that ability is simply a matter of time. Time that the Ukrainian has and that Russia does not. This leads to the second objection, the idea that Putin needs or should be given “a way out” or a way to “save face”. This is an inherently bad idea and neglects to recognize the inflection point in history that we are now at. This is a path we have been on for a thousand years, a move away from rule by the few elites and into democratic and open societies.This is one of the last dying breaths of the old system of oligarchy and dictatorial governments. There is more at stake here than just one country and it’s people. Like the Arab spring, this is being watched by all would be despots with great interest. To give Putin “a way out” would be to undermine the message that the free world is clearly sending. That the new world will no longer tolerate such actions no matter what kind of weapons you have at your disposal. More importantly I reject that it is even necessary in order to achieve peace. The objectives in this war are not balanced and neither are the required outcomes for each side to declare victory. Putin NEEDS and has always needed acquiescence from other parties in order to declare a victory of any kind. From the moment his little green men first set foot in Crimea till today he cannot have victory unless Ukraine agrees. It doesn’t work the other way around however. Ukraine doesn’t need Russia to agree to a Ukrainian victory. In fact at this point Putin’s or the Russian people’s acceptance of a Ukrainian victory ultimate won’t matter. It is only a matter of time before Ukraine pushes all Russian military out of its territory, and time is on Ukraine’s side. Every day Russia gets weaker because of its isolation and Ukraine gets stronger because it’s allies recognize that fighting a war, this war, against Russia now is the best way to ensure a stable global system going into the future. Even non-involved countries such as India and China recognize this which is why they skate near the edge and balance very carefully between their old ally and the rest of the world. Ultimately Ukraine is in the drivers seat here and since they want their territory back, ALL of it back it doesn’t matter if it happens with a negotiated withdrawal or forcefully killing, capturing or pushing out every Russian solder in Ukraine. The end result for Ukraine will be mostly the same it’s restored borders. The only difference is how high the cost will be for us and more importantly for them. For Russia the end result is in their hands. If Russia wants to walk away with an entirely decimated military, economy and population they can. And even after they are pushed out of Ukraine they can sit behind barb-wired fences and spout propaganda to each other in their totalitarian echo chamber for decades if they want. It will ultimately be up to them to remove Putin or any other demagogic leaders that follow him and return to the global community. The rest of the world really doesn’t need Russia. It was a great source of oil and gas but we are all adapting fairly easy to this missing resource. Beyond that one resource, what is missing with Russia’s impact on the world economy and people’s lives will be barely noticeable by most everyone.