Communism is an economic and social ideology not a political structure.
As such nor does communism require “one party rule”. Marx never said anything of the sort. You just don’t know what communism is.
Countries that call themselves communist but are ruled by a single party are no different than countries that call them selves democratic but are ruled by a single party. Funny thing about authoritarians, they lie.
Socialism does not “lead to” communism. Marx believed capitalism not socialism would lead to communism.
In socialism the government does not “own the means of production” Again you are confusing that with communism but really not even communism, more accurately a particular form of communism called Marxism. There many potential forms of communism that do not require the government to own anything.
Socialism promotes holding in common trust (not necessarily by the government) those things required and necessary for support of society particularly those things that are unprofitable for the private sector and/or that the people have deemed to be a public good.
This is the problem, you know the words but you don’t understand them. You’ve got them all mixed up with different ideas probably because of a poor education system that indoctrinates capitalism by confusing and misrepresenting everything else.
There is no such thing, nor has there ever been, a pure; capitalist, communist, or socialist country in the history of mankind. Therefore holding one up as an argument in support of a position is either a blatant straw man fallacy or shows a lack of knowledge of history and geopolitics and therefore in either case is not worth time or consideration.
Your confusion between communism, single party systems, and living in a state where you are in the minority is at the root of your problem. Just because one party is continually reelected into power does not mean you live in a one party state. (Hint it just means the voters do not like what the other party has to say.) And that doesn’t have anything to do with communism anyway. Your understanding of politics, philosophy, how elections and the government of California works is sad. You should be angry at your educators.