China is “winning” by becoming more tightly integrated into the world economy. China is just following the U.S. playbook for the last 100 years. The thing is that China isn’t the problem, no it’s the CCP. And what do you think will eventually happen to the CCP the more the Chinese people see what the rest of the free world really looks like instead of the propaganda they are fed? There is a reason why North Korea doesn’t let any outside influence in at all. Xi missed that day of dictator school. It’s not going to happen over night but once a society has started to climb Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, things like freedom of thought, speech and civil liberties start to catch on. These ideas are like a virus and they long ago started to affect the Chinese populous. It’s why when Xi came to power he started to pull back. The thing is you can’t have your cake and eat it to. You can’t participate in the world without being infected by all those crazy ideas floating around in it.