And this is the key why so so many people prefer to Not be in an office. The slight increase in friction, the slight decrease in availability means that people start evaluating more closely what communication is actually worthwhile and valuable.
Put another way, if the conversation isn’t worth the effort of a 10 minute conference call, it is obviously an unnecessary conversation. What makes the same conversation suddenly more valuable in person? …. Nothing. So by working remote we just saved everyone the time of a useless conversation.
Remote work force out the inherent inefficiencies of an office. There is very little, from large meetings, to white board collaboration, to as-hoc meetings that cannot be done (if not done even better) via video conversation and other on collaboration tools.
Except pizza parties, you have to be in the office for those….
Hmm actually nope you don’t, video conferencing and a grub hub corporate account will take care of that too.